West 85th Dental
8561 8A Ave SW Calgary AB T3H 0V5 (403) 246-5545

(587) 355-4332

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How Long Does Teeth Whitening Last?

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A bright, radiant smile can make a world of difference in how you feel and how others perceive you. Although our teeth aren’t naturally a pristine bright white, they can discolour over time. 

Teeth whitening treatments use bleaching agents to lift and improve stains, leaving you with a brighter, dazzling smile.

A professional touch helps target surface-level discolouration and staining deep within the tooth’s structure. With proper maintenance and care, you can enjoy the brightening results from a professional whitening treatment for 6 months or up to 3 years! 

A consultation with our dental team allows you to explore the whitening treatment most suited for your desired smile!  

Why Do Our Teeth Stain? 

A marker for healthy teeth has nothing to do with their colour. Several factors influence the natural colour of our teeth, and a perfect bright white isn’t the norm. 

Most people’s teeth range in colour from light grey to slightly yellow because of their overall structure, and having some colour in your teeth is perfectly normal. 

Dentin is the tissue that lies beneath the tooth’s hard enamel. It makes up a majority of the tooth’s structure. The enamel is translucent, while the softer, underlying dentin tissue has a naturally yellow-ish hue, which shows through the enamel and is the reason why teeth may appear off-white even when healthy.  

Besides this, genetics also play a significant role in determining the enamel thickness and dentin colour, making some people’s teeth naturally lighter or darker than others. For many people, this means that, even if their oral hygiene is top-notch, their teeth might not achieve a bright white shade naturally. 

Why Teeth Stain Naturally Over Time 

Teeth are remarkably porous. They readily absorb both the good and the bad from our diet and lifestyle. Some contributors to teeth discolouration include:

  • Foods and drinks: Dark-coloured substances like coffee, tea, red wine, sodas, and certain berries contain pigments that leave lasting marks on the surface of your teeth.
  • Smoking: Nicotine and tar from cigarettes or other tobacco products cause yellow and brown stains that can seep deep into the enamel.
  • Poor oral hygiene: Failing to brush and floss regularly allows plaque and tartar to build up, dulling your smile.
  • Aging: Our enamel naturally wears away over time, revealing more of our dentin underneath. 

Types of Teeth Stains

Not all stains are created equal. The type of discolouration on our teeth determines the most effective approach to whitening. 

For example, intrinsic stains require advanced whitening solutions, compared to extrinsic stains, which can be improved with whitening products. 

 We can categorize tooth stains into two main types

  • Extrinsic stains: These are surface-level stains caused by external factors such as food, drink, and smoking. They’re often easier to remove with professional cleanings or whitening products.
  • Intrinsic stains: These occur deeper within the structure of our teeth and are generally caused by aging, trauma, or medication use, making them more challenging to target. They typically require professional whitening treatments or alternative dental solutions for desired results. 

All About Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is one of the most popular cosmetic dental treatments, and for good reason! 

A whiter smile can boost self-confidence, enhance your appearance, and leave a lasting impression on others. Although it doesn’t directly offer health benefits, it encourages people to become more mindful in caring for their oral health. 

Although brushing and flossing are key for maintaining good oral health at home, they can’t reverse discolouration caused by deeper stains. Brushing alone only removes surface debris and plaque because it doesn’t have the necessary bleaching properties to lift stains embedded in the enamel. 

That’s where whitening treatments come into play. They go beyond what everyday oral can achieve.

Professional teeth whitening uses bleaching agents to break down stains and lighten discolouration. These agents penetrate the enamel and oxidize stain molecules, leaving you with a brighter-looking smile! 

A patient looks at colour sampling to determine their preferred level of teeth brightening during their consultation.

Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening

The market is full of over-the-counter whitening products, such as whitening toothpaste, strips, and gels. When used properly and consistently, these products can help improve the look of minor, surface-level stains. However, they seldom deliver the dramatic transformation many people desire. 

Professional whitening treatments from your dental team specifically target extrinsic and intrinsic stains with higher concentrations of bleaching agents, allowing them to lift deeper discolouration. 

Some key benefits of professional whitening treatments include: 

  • Faster, visible results with a single session. 
  • Professional application means even whitening effects, preventing patchy or inconsistent results. 
  • Your treatments are customized to match your preferred brightness level. 
  • Under professional care, the risk of tooth sensitivity or enamel damage is reduced. 

Maintaining Your Bright Smile

While the effects of whitening won’t last forever, with good habits and proper maintenance, the results of professional whitening treatments can last between 6 months to 3 years.

Professional whitening treatments are effective, safe, and significantly improve your smile’s brightness. But this requires time, attention to detail, and an overall cost that isn’t covered through insurance, as it’s considered a cosmetic treatment.  

Therefore, implementing small habits can help maintain your teeth whitening results, allowing you to enjoy your bright smile for up to 3 years! 

  • Rinse after meals: Rinse your mouth with water to help prevent stains, especially after consuming food or drink that can stain your teeth. Frequently consuming teeth-staining food and drink can reintroduce stains more quickly. 
  • Use a straw: A straw minimizes contact between liquid and your teeth while drinking dark liquids like iced coffee or dark sodas. 
  • Avoid tobacco: Tobacco products are among the most significant culprits for discolouration. Quitting smoking doesn’t just protect your teeth; it’s also beneficial for your overall health. 
  • Touch-up treatments: Periodic whitening touch-ups, whether at home with a whitening toothpaste or professionally, can help sustain your results.
  • Oral hygiene: Regular brushing, flossing, and dental checkups are crucial to maintaining the brightness of your teeth.

Invest in a Brighter Smile! 

Teeth whitening is a powerful way to enhance your beautiful smile, making you feel more confident! Maintaining these results through good habits means you can enjoy your radiant smile for months to come. 

Connect with our West 85th Dental team to schedule a consultation for your professional whitening treatment. 


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