Sometimes emergencies happen. West 85th Dental is here to help.

If you are experiencing a dental emergency, please call our office immediately at (403) 246-5545. Emergency appointments receive priority at our practice, and we will do everything we can to accommodate you.

Common Dental Emergencies

Some dental emergencies happen more frequently than others. To help you preserve your health, and your smile, here is a list of common dental emergencies and their first aid strategies.


If you are experiencing a toothache, you should call our office to explain your symptoms and request an emergency appointment. However, until your dentist is able to determine the root cause of your toothache, the best thing you can do is manage the pain.

Over the counter pain medications can ease your symptoms. Make sure you don’t put the pills directly on your sore tooth and follow package instructions carefully. You can also ease the pain by holding an ice pack against the area of your face where your sore tooth is.

The first thing you should do is try and gently dislodge the item using dental floss. Do not poke between your teeth with a toothpick, pin, or other sharp or pointed object. Poking between your teeth can damage your gums or scratch the surface of your tooth. If you cannot dislodge the object using dental floss, you should contact our office for assistance.

Most chipped or broken teeth can be repaired or saved. However, you should contact our office as soon as possible and request an emergency appointment to have your tooth repaired. If the tooth is not repaired quickly the chip or break could become worse, and depending on the severity it may even become infected.

If you have experienced a small break or crack your dentist may use a white filling to repair your tooth. If the break is more severe, you may require a root canal to clear away the damaged tissue and any bacteria, and a crown to protect the site and prevent further damage.

Losing a permanent (or adult) tooth is serious, but your dentist may be able to save your tooth if you act quickly.

If your tooth looks clean, you should gently place it back in its socket. If you are not able to return your tooth to its socket, or you are concerned about swallowing your tooth, you should place your tooth in a small container filled with cold milk. Next, you should call our office.

Most teeth can reroot themselves if they have been out for less than ten minutes. However, each passing minute reduces the chances of your tooth taking root again. Teeth that have been out of your mouth for more than two hours are unlikely to take root again.

However, even if the changes of saving your tooth are slim, you should still see your dentist as soon as possible. The tooth’s socket will need to be inspected and cleaned to avoid complications and infection.

Lost fillings need to be replaced quickly to prevent infection. To protect your tooth until your filling can be replaced place a small piece of sugarless gum over the place where your filling was and bite down gently to hold it in place.

Amalgam fillings, in particular, are prone to cracking with age. Amalgam fillings tend to expand as they age, and this, combined with years of wear and tear, can cause the tooth to crack. If your filling cracks you should contact our office and book an appointment as soon as possible to have your filling changed and your tooth repaired.

If you are bleeding, you can stem the flow of blood by taking a clean cloth and pressing down firmly on the cut until the bleeding stops. If your lip is swollen, you can reduce the swelling by applying an ice pack to the affected area.

If you are bleeding heavily, or the bleeding does not appear to be stopping, you should proceed to your nearest emergency room.

If your tooth begins to change colour after it has experienced a strong impact that means that your tooth is dead. If the dead tooth is a baby tooth, then it may be allowed to fall out on its own as long as there is no swelling or signs of infection.

However, if the dead tooth is a permanent tooth, you should visit your dentist as soon as possible to have the situation assessed. You may require a root canal to avoid infection.

No matter what the nature of your dental emergency is, the first thing you should do is call West 85th Dental at (403) 246-5545. Even a seemingly minor problem can have serious consequences for your oral health if left untreated. If your problem is not properly addressed, you may be leaving yourself vulnerable to infection or more serious dental or oral health issues.