Missing teeth are no fun at all. If you’ve ever gotten the news from a dental exam that you’re faced with an extraction, you know there are a few tooth replacement options available. Leaving a gap in your teeth could end up being more trouble than it’s worth, so after you get an extraction, you […]
What You Can & Can’t Eat with Invisalign
How well you can bite down and how straight your teeth are can affect more than just your feeling at that moment. It can affect your oral health. Invisalign serves as an excellent choice for dental patients seeking relief from problems with dental alignment. If you can take care of these issues, you should be […]
Understanding Bone Grafts for Dental Implants
Tooth Extraction One tooth missing is all it takes for your mouth, your jaw, and even your face to react. Sometimes that reaction involves retreat. Your mouth may retreat, your face muscles may come in a little, and notably, your jaw in the place of the missing tooth may hunch down a little. Your jawline, […]