West 85th Dental
8561 8A Ave SW Calgary AB T3H 0V5 (403) 246-5545

(587) 355-4332

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Category: Dental Treatments & Services

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Why Would You Need a Crown on Your Tooth?

If your dentist needs to repair a decayed tooth, they may recommend a crown. Your dentist will always provide personalized recommendations for your teeth, and there are various reasons they may suggest a crown over a filling.  Ultimately, a crown can be a more effective solution to restore the appearance and functionality of a damaged […]

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Nitrous Oxide: How Does It Work & Why Is It Used?

If you’ve ever heard of “laughing gas”, you’re at least a little bit familiar with nitrous oxide. Nitrous oxide is a natural gas often administered during sedation dentistry. It is a type of anesthetic that is very safe when used correctly and under the supervision of a professional. Most commonly used to reduce pain or […]

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What Causes Tooth Decay?

Tooth decay can cause a lot of trouble if not treated quickly but it can be difficult to spot without a dental examination. You may not notice any symptoms until decay has significantly affected you.  Almost everyone knows what a cavity is, but what causes tooth decay? Continue reading to learn more about tooth decay, […]

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