West 85th Dental
8561 8A Ave SW Calgary AB T3H 0V5 (403) 246-5545

(587) 355-4332

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Category: Cosmetic Dentistry

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Can Sensitive Teeth Be Whitened?

In Search of a Brighter Smile  Tooth whitening is becoming much more commonplace, and people everywhere are sporting brighter smiles.  In the past, those with sensitive teeth were often discouraged from using teeth whitening treatments, but with updated technologies, dentists are discovering new options for their patients.  The Science of Sensitive Teeth  Several factors can […]

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10 Dentist-Approved Tips for Whiter Teeth

Everybody wants straight and healthy teeth. But did you know that having white teeth drastically impacts the way people perceive you? According to a three-part study, individuals that have whiter teeth are seen as more attractive, confident, trustworthy, and financially successful.  But how do you safely whiten your teeth? From professional teeth whitening to at-home […]

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What to Know Before Getting Veneers

Veneers are sometimes called “Hollywood teeth.” But if you’re wondering what the film industry has to do with a dental procedure, the answer is not that much. Veneers remain a practical cosmetic dentistry choice alongside professional whitening that grants patients a bright and comfortable smile. But there’s a process involved, and there’s a lot that […]

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