West 85th Dental
8561 8A Ave SW Calgary AB T3H 0V5 (403) 246-5545

(587) 355-4332

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10 Health Issues Caused By Bad Oral Health

Your dentist urges you to take care of your teeth and gums at every check-up; it’s easy to make promises and head home without a second thought! But your dentist is right: It’s imperative to maintain good oral health, and for way more reasons than you’d expect.  Your mouth provides access to the rest of […]

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Can Sensitive Teeth Be Whitened?

In Search of a Brighter Smile  Tooth whitening is becoming much more commonplace, and people everywhere are sporting brighter smiles.  In the past, those with sensitive teeth were often discouraged from using teeth whitening treatments, but with updated technologies, dentists are discovering new options for their patients.  The Science of Sensitive Teeth  Several factors can […]

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Why Would You Need a Crown on Your Tooth?

If your dentist needs to repair a decayed tooth, they may recommend a crown. Your dentist will always provide personalized recommendations for your teeth, and there are various reasons they may suggest a crown over a filling.  Ultimately, a crown can be a more effective solution to restore the appearance and functionality of a damaged […]

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